Family Support

Support for BAME Community in North Kent to overcome the effects of COVID-19.

Pastoral Support

The support we provide includes: 
-Mental wellbeing sessions and referrals
-Pastoral care and befriending services
-Peer support, phone calls, and follow-ups
-Information sharing online meetings
-Back to job and Business Start up support.   

 We provide appropriate re-engagement and rebuilding services – both virtual and 1-2-1 support 

Family Intervention

We have built helpful and reliable relationships with African and Caribbean families through various support systems and services over the years. We tailor our approach to individual needs taking care to listen and provide necessary referrals.

Health & Wellbeing

Due to the effect of Covid-19 on the Black Community; we are now supporting African  families who have been affected by COVID-19; either through bereavement, job loss, isolation, anxiety, trauma, sickness, domestic abuse and so on

Our aim is to help reduce the effect of Covid-19 and restore hope in other to reduce mental health problems among the Black communities